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A Moment to Smell the Roses

Pocketful of Posey

It can't all be weeding and watering,

fertilizing and pruning,

otherwise, I rather think there wouldn't be any gardens.

So take a stroll with me,

and let's see what is blooming today.

This is my newest rose, a Week's Rose named Edith's Darling.

I call her Penelope.

I went to the Antique Rose Farm in Snohomish to get a yellow rose,

and came home with five new bushes.


If you haven't been there, it's worth the trip.

Impatiens, doing what they do best.

Growing against a piece of driftwood,

vinca vining down from the pot they shelter behind.

A glimpse of pathway and my favorite rock,

black-eyed Susan's and petunias in the foreground.

An anenome, cheering my day.

I tried to clear them all out last fall, as they had taken over.

I'm very glad I had mercy on a few.

Another new perennial, which I'm very happy with.

She's called a Blanket Flower, I suppose because

the flowers gradually flatten out as they grow.

Then they end up falling backwards,

leaving a pom pom upright in the middle.

Cheerful and easy to care for,

they come in a variety of petal shadings in the pink and yellow families.

And saving quite possibly the best for last,

I never tire of the hydrangeas.

From the first bloom, to the gradual changing and then fading

of colors, they are magnificent.

I hope all of you can do the same,

take a few moments to savor the blooms,

smell the phlox and roses, enjoy the variety of colors and textures.

It's worth all the work!

Happy Gardening!

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